Hegge Family Tree

The MOTHER of Fredrik Evensen Krageberg Hegge was Karen Evensdatter Bratberg (1783-1867).  Thru her, the present Hegge’s are descended from the ancient Kings of Norway.


Another prominent family was that from the farm of Undset.  This family can trace its decent back to King Haakon the Fifth of Norway, who died in the year 1319.  King Haakon’s ancestry is well known.  In the publication ROYAL LINE OF DECENT IN NORWAY, with authorities, Haakon Magnusson, born 1270, died 1319 and was the 15th King.

It lists the first being Halvdan Svarte, King in Agder and Vestfold, died 860 or later, but the first king of ALL Norway as Harald Haarfagre, born about 860, died about 940.

The ancestry of the Undset family is as follows:

1. King Haakon the fifth, 1270-1319, had a daughter

2. Agnes Haakensdatter, princess of Norway, born ca 1291, married Haftor Jonsen, baron of Sudrheim,   c. 1275-1320 Their son:

3. Sigrud Haftonsen, baron of Sudrheim, c 1315-ca.   had a daughter:

4. Cicilie Sigurdsdatter, who married Ingjald Gutormsen O in Vang, Born ca. 1325, his son:

5. Gyrd Ingvaldsen O, died before 1449, but left a daughter:

6. Gudrid Gyrdsdatter O. who married Peter Gudleiksen Skjaak, 1404–82, their daughter:

7.Cicillie Petersdatter of Skjaak married Gutorm Eindridesen Bratt of Bjolstad, their son:

8. Osten Gurormsen Bratt of Bjolstad, c. 1475-1550 married Thora Tordsdatter Kinde, their son:

9. Sidsel Ostensdatter Bratt, born ca. 1540 married Neils Andersen Busvol in Romedal. Their son:

10. Anders Nielsen Busvol, born  ca. 1570  had a daughter:

11. Sidsel Andersdatter Busvol, born 1610 and eventually married Halvor Borresen Flisaker, 1603-69.  He became owner of Busvol.  Their son:

12. Borre Halvorsen Busvol, 1650-1718, bought back his father’s farm of Flisaker in Veldre.  He married Anne Johannesdatter Vinjui, 1670-1741.  Their daughter:

13. Lisbet Borresdatter Flisaker, married Ole Hansen Undset, their son:

14. Borre Olsen Undset, married Ingeborg Lille-Bolstad, that had the following children:

15.  (1) Mari Borresdatter Undset, who married Even Nilsen Bratberg, their daughter:

16.  Karen Evensdatter, 1783-1867, is named in the book from Svennes and was the MOTHER of Frederik Evenson Krageberg Hegge.  Thru her, the present Hegge’s are descended from the ancient Kings of Norway.

17. Fredrick Evenson Krageberg Hegge married Ingebord Olsdatter Hegge.  He farmed Hegge beginning in 1833.  They had  11 children, 5 of whom immigrated to America.

           18th Generation removed from King Haakon would be one of these children:

            Example:   Niels Fredrickson Hegge and ( Mathinus F Hegge )

18. 3rd child of Fredrick and Ingebord.

      He married Nicoline E Nilson, they had 10 children.  Their 9th child.

19. Sigvald Nels Hegge married Emelia Bensend. Had 8 children.  Their 6th child

20. Thomas S. Hegge, married Rita Ann Olson, had 5 children.  Their 2nd child

21. David Thomas Hegge married Dawn Oates, had 2 daughters.

22. Aschley Elizabeth Hegge, 1984- 


A continuation of generation 14:  The other children of Borre Olsen Undset and Ingeborg Lille-Bolstad:

  2. Clare Borresdatter Undset, who married Frederik Olsen Sem. He was a descendant of the MELBY FAMILY in the male line.  They had no children.

  3. Lisbet Borresdatter Undset, 1746-1827 Married Lars Christopherson Svennes.  The are mentioned in the discussion of the MELBY FAMILY.

  4. Borre Borreson Undset.

  5. Marte Borresdatter Undset, born 1749, who married Erik Haavelson Kaas in Beldre, Their son:

      5-1. Haavel Eriksen Kaas, married Kari Tollefsdatter Mustand and their  son:

               5-1-1 OLE MUSTAD, was the famous manufacturer of FISHOOKS.

 6. Ole Borresen Undset 1758-96 took over the farm of Undset after his father.  He married Mari Larsdatter Dal, born 1761,  Their children.

     6-1, Borre Olsen Undset, Born 1788, sold Undset in 1823

     6-2. Lars Olsen, born 1793 married Ingeborg Borresdatter Dal. 

     6-3  Soonov Alsdatter, Born 1790, married Thomas Jorstad, “lendsmand” in Faberg.

            Their children:

             6-3-1 Anders Lysgaard the Younger, who is discussed under the  Melby Family.

             6-3-2  Otto Jorstad, also discussed under Melby

-3 Marie Abelone Jorstad, who married Simen Fougner.  He bought Undset in 1857 and became “lendsmand” in Biri, died in 1875 at the age of fifty. They had a son, Bunnar Fougner and 3 daughters.

 7. Budbrand Borresen, born 1759.  He was organist at Biri Church and bought the farm of Norde Bjornstad in Biri.