Introduction Hegge Family Tree

Thomas S. & Rita Ann Hegge

18679 Dewey St. P.O. Box 477

Whitehall, WI 54773


October, 2004

I began this Hegge family tree in the 1960’s when I was refinishing my Grandfathers china cabinet/desk and found a leather pouch in the desk with some very-old Norwegian documents. Fortunately, Aunt Christine (Nelson) Hegge, wife of Isaac, also had some old Hegge documents, and her brother, David, Professor of Norwegian History at Luther College, Decorah Iowa, arranged to have Mr. J.R. Christianson translate them. I managed to get the beginning of a decent tree into an Osborne Computer in the 1980’s. It wasn’t until I retired at 75 years of age in 2001 that the work began to get serious.

I devised my own identification system because all the programs available were hard to follow and looked like the schedule for a sporting event. They also overlooked current postal and email addresses & phone numbers.

The letter A stands for Fredrik Evenson Krageberg Hegge who lived and died in Norway and had 2 sons and several daughters immigrate to the United States. His third child Nels (my grandfather) is A-3. My father Sigvald was the 9th child of Nels and his wife Nicoline (A-3-9). I am the 6th child of Sig and Millie, thus A-3-9-6. My second child David is A-3-9-6-2 and his first child Aschley is A-3-9-6-2-1.

Aschley can quickly count back to father, grandfather, to great, great, great Grandfather Fredrik. Any relative with an I.D. number beginning A-10 is descended from Marthinus F. Hegge, 10th child of F.E. Aschley can also quickly count back and see she is 4th generation Hegge born in the United States. Should we ever have a reunion and have I.D. stickers, they will help us get acquainted a bit quicker.

There are currently over 165 pages of history, family data and 160 pictures in this work. It is available on a CD for $15. Should you find any errors in my work, please send me the corrections. Perhaps some day we can devise an annual update of the tree and Email it to everyone.

Some of our Norwegian ancestors changed their last name when they came to this country, and we find many spellings of their first names in records also. I’ve tried to explain this in the tree.

My thanks to the many relatives that contributed to this work and supplied pictures, to my daughter Sarah who basically taught me how to use a computer, daughter-in-law Laurie who helped me organize this work, Son Matthew for his knowledge of computers, and to my wife Rita for her patience with me for all these years of sitting at the computer and asking her to proof read material.

Thanks to Karen, Julie and Anita Pratt, who are granddaughters of Erick Hegge, (M. F.’s 3rd child) for their assistance with the M.F. Hegge branch of the tree. About 40 years ago, before the home computer and before the earlier generations were all gone, Karen put together a very complete M.F. Hegge tree that included the Nels Hegge family. My four sons were on it, but not daughter Sarah, who was born in 1967. Karen’s work added 10 pages to the tree.

The last 9 pages of this work is a 7-page index and 2 page printing instructions. I suggest you print the index out immediately, so you can quickly find a particular family using the proper Function key. After it is instructions, with pictures, on how to print out the work and put it into a 3 ring binder properly.


Tom Hegge.

Note: Tom Hegge I believe, has since passed away. I did purchase his CD, however to my knowledge no effort has been made to update or correct any information provided here. -Phil



In 1906, Ole Frederiksen Hegge died on the farm of Hegge, in Norway, a bachelor.  Nels F. Hegge, his brother who lived in Whitehall, Wisconsin at that time, traveled to Norway to settle the estate.  The farm was sold to the commune of Biri and the farm buildings have since been an old people’s home.

Nels brought back to Whitehall a number of old documents, a bible, clock and some books.  It is possible that Nels went to Norway in 1880, after his Mother’s death, and brought some documents to Wisconsin at that time. In the Bible, his name is spelled Niels. Most of his papers spell it Nels.  His Gravestone is Nils. Translation by J. R. Christianson spelled it Nils and Frederiksen as above.

Nels died before his wife, Nicoline.  After the death of Nicoline, some of the old documents stayed in Whitehall with Sigvald Nels Hegge and some went to Mayville, North Dakota, with Isaac Hegge. The bible went to Frankfort, Kentucky with Oscar Hegge.

Upon the death of Isaac, his wife Christine found the “Mayville” documents.  She sent them to her brother, Dr. David T. Nelson, professor of Norwegian History, Luther College, Decorah Iowa.  A Mr. J. R.  Christianson translated them.

Thomas Hegge found the “Whitehall” documents in the home of his mother, Mrs.  S.N. Hegge.  He sent photocopies of them to David Nelson.  J.R. Christianson translated them also.

A brief summary of the “Mayville” documents:

1.  Dated 1722:  A deed to Torger Pederson Heggen of a part of the farm of ostre (east)

     Hegge, valued at 3 skins.

      From:  Ole Ekeren, Ole Halvorsen Heggen, Suir Halvorsen Heggen, Peder Brynstad and Ingebert Olsen, on behalf of their Mother in Law Anne Ekeren.

      Registered at Melby Court on March 12, 1722.  Was again presented on March 8, 1724 when Torger Heggen’s estate went through probate.

On the document are well-preserved seals of:  Ole Larsen Ekeren, Peder Pederson Brynstad, Peder Tostensen Heggen, Lukas Jonsen Alset.

2.  Dated November 12, 1726:  Anders Andersen Klocker has purchased the farm of Heggen at public auction, from the crown, for the sum of 560 rixdalers and has paid 300 down, promises to pay the remaining 260 at 5% interest before November 12, 1727.

3. Dated 1727:  A deed to the farm of Hegge dated March 11, 1727 at Fredensborg castle in Denmark…with the seal of Norway and the signature of King Frederick IV and others.

Describes Hegge as consisting of 3 hides, 8 skins and 2 shillings of land with a lease on another 2 hides, 9 skins and 4 shillings.  Since two hides of land would be a fair-sized farm, it is clear that Hegge was a big farm.  (1 hide, 12 skins)

4. Dated 1728  Klocker paid his debt of 260 rixdalers plus interest.

5. Dated 1730:  November 5, 1730 at the farm of Kluke in Biri, registered at Melby court on November 17, 1730.  Klocker sells farm to Ole Olsen Onsom of Ringsaker parish, for 670 rixdalers.

It is apparent that the American Hegge families are the descendants of Ole Olsen, who naturally took the name of Hegge when he moved to that farm from the farm of Onsom.  He would be Ole Olson Hegge I.

6. Dated 1731 until 57. Record the payment of dues (rent) called “landskyld” for 3 skins of church land in Hegge.  Many Norwegian parish churches were privately owned in the eighteenth century.

7. 1821/31   A form letter related to the 8th document.

8. 1832:  The last will and testament of the former “vaktmester” of the Opland Dragoons regiment, Ole Olson Hegge, dated February 27, 1832.  This is apparently Ole Olsen Hegge III.  This will names his nephew’s daughter, Ingeborg Olsdatter Hegge, as universal heir.

9. 1833:  On November 30, 1833 a “foderadsbrev” (retirement agreement) between Ole Baardsen Hegge and wife Oline Nielsdatter on the one hand, and their son-in law, Frederik Evensen Krageberg, on the other.  Ole is retiring and turning over the farm of Hegge to his son-in-law, who thereafter naturally signs his name Frederik Evensen Hegge, since he no longer resides on his paternal farm of Krageberg in Biri.

This document refers to some additional documents from Hegge, one of which is a Foderadsbrev of Baard Olsen and wife, dated November 28, 1811.

This document might lead us to believe that Mari Baardsdatter remarried to Ole Jacobson after the death of Ole Olsen Hegge II in 1766…and in 1782 her son, Baard Olsen, gave them a retirement agreement.

NOTE: Correspondence from Halvard Oudenstad, Snertingdal, Norway in 1977 indicates that in 1767 Mari Baardsdatter married Ole Jacobson Dahl.  There is no record of any children from this marriage.

10.  1838   A small Pox vaccination certificate for Even Fredriksen Hegge.



Notation by hand inside the covers, giving birth dates of Lars Christopersen on Svennes, his wife Lisbeth Borresdatter, on Onset, and their 2 daughters on Svennes.



1. Dated 1683.  This is a letter from the royal viceroy to the following people on the TWO Hegge farms. It is an evaluation of various farms in Biri.  The letter is directed to:

Torsten Pedersen Hegge, Marte Olsdatter, Ole Arnesen and Halvor Olsen Hegge.

Note:  Ole Olson Onsom purchased Hegge in 1730.  47 years later he married a woman named Eli Pedersdatter.  Could it be the Eli was the younger sister of Torsen Pederson Hegge?

2. A froderadsbrev (pension agreement).  The bottom half of the last page is missing so date and all names are not known.  It indicates the document stems from the second husband of Mari Baardsdatter who married Ole Olson Hegge II.  This is possibly the document referred to in Mayville document  9.

3. 1726  A letter from King Frederick the 4th of Norway relating to the crown’s sale of ostre (east) Hegge to Klocker.

4. 1748 Ole Olsen ostre Hegge’s transfer of the farm to his son Ole Olsen and daughter in law Mari Baardsdatter.

5.  1767  Settlement of the estate of Ole Olsen Hegge I and his late wife Eli Pedersdatter.  This document gives genealogical information, which is not in the printed Norwegian sources.

6. 1782  Baard Olsen ostre Hegge purchases the farm for 1150 rixdalers.

7. 1783  Baard Olsen Hegge’s pension agreement with his Mother, Maria Baardsdatter. This is also the document referred to in Mayville document 9.

Documents 8 thru 21:  Various vaccination certificates, receipts, bills, and applications to become citizen of the United States.

22.  1765   Gubir Pedersdatter Simestad has been the ward of Ole Olson Hegge.  Her stepfather is now assuming her ward-ship, and inheritance turned over to him.

Thomas Hegge, Whitehall has the originals copies of these documents, and the translations by Christianson

The families of KINDE – ONSUM – OLSON – HEGGE

These branches of the Hegge family tree are primarily the owners of Hegge farmland.

There are several Hegge farms, and some church owned (or leased) land. The Ostre (east) Hegge farm in Biri parish in Toten, on the Western slopes of Lake Mjosa, in Eastern Norway.

It was the custom in old Norway that the person who owned land assumed the name of that land.  Example:  If you bought some Melby land and moved onto it, you changed your name to Melby. I suppose you could call it the first ZIP code system.  If you were a Hegge, everyone knew where you farmed.

Whitehall document #5 provides this information.

1. Osbjorn Olsen Kinde, born 1591 and died after 1666, married Marthe Jonsdatter, died 1666, their son:

2. Ole Osbjornsen oure Kinde, born 1632.  His son:

3. Ole Olsen Onsom (from Onsom in Ringsaker parish on the opposite shore of Lake Mjosa) purchased the farm of Hegge on November 5, 1730.  He married Eli Pedersdatter, By moving onto the farm of Hegge, Ole Olson Onsom changes his name to Hegge.  I call him Ole Olson Hegge I.  Eli Pedersdatter could have been a Hegge girl.  (See Whitehall document #1, Dated 1683) Ole lived until 1767.

Ole and Eli had 6 children:

1. Ole Olson Hegge II  1710-1766, who married Mari Baardsdatter Roterud, died 1788.   Ole thus died before his father did.

2. Baard Olson Hegge

3. Eli Olsdatter, who married Fredrikson Baaberg.

4. Berthe Olsdatter

5. Peder Olson Odegaarden

6. Ingeborg Olsdatter, who married Amund Hendrichsen Alset.

The Hegge bible, printed in 1633, apparently was originally owned by Ole Asbjornsen Kinde, born 1632 OR his father, Asbjorn Olsen Kinde, who died after 1666.

Ole Olson Hegge II married Maria Baardsdatter Roterud, which brought MELBY blood into the Hegge family.  They had 4 children:

1. Ole Olson Hegge III

2. Eli Olsdatter

3. Berthe Olsdatter

4. Baard Olson Hegge (who we follow)

After the death of Ole Olson Hegge II in 1766, Maria Baardsdatter Roterud Hegge remarries to Ole Jacobson Dahl.  There are no children from this marriage.  One of the Mayville documents mentions Ole Jacobson and wife, received a pension agreement from Baard Olson dated May 22, 1782.   This indicates he now owns the Hegge farm.

The oldest son of Ole and Maria, Ole Olson Hegge III died a bachelor.  Mayville document #8 is his last will and testament, dated February 27, 1831.  He was a former Vaktmester in the Opland Dragoons Regiment.  He names his Nephew’s daughter as universal heir.

His brother is Baard Olson Hegge.  His nephew is Ole Baardson Hegge.  His nephew’s daughter is Ingebord Olsdatter Hegge.  She received the Hegge Bible thru this will.  She is the MOTHER OF NIELS F. AND MARTHINUS F., who emigrate to America.  After the death of Ole Fredrickson, Niels F. brought the bible to Whitehall, Wisconsin.   (continued)

4.  Baard Olson Hegge, born 1751, purchased the farm of Hegge from the heirs of his Father on March 19, 1782.  His son:

5.  Ole Baardson Hegge, born 1784, farmed Hegge. He married Oline Nielsdatter. Their daughter:

6. Ingebord Olesdatter Hegge, Born September 11, 1814, died April 22, 1880.  She married Frederick Evenson Krageberg on November 30, 1822.  He took over the farm of Hegge and changed his name to Hegge.

They had 11 children, several of whom emigrate to America.  See F.E. Hegge


Indications are that Ingeborg had a brother, Baard Olson Hegge.  This brother had a son named Marthinus Baardson Hegge.  A Marthinus Baardson Hegge emigrated to America in 1854 and was possibly the first Hegge to emigrate.  He was a pioneer in Coon Prairie, Wisconsin.  This is the prairie area near Westby, Wisconsin, Southeast of La Crosse, WI in what is now Vernon County.  There is a Coon Prairie Church on the South outskirts of Westby with many Hegge headstones in the cemetery.

It is quite likely that when Nels F. Hegge, son of Ingeborg, immigrated to America in 1866, he went first to Coon Prairie, as most all Biri people did.