Krageberg Hegge

Hegge Family Tree

A. Fredrick Evenson Krageberg Hegge

Born October 1, 1810,  died     ?   Married Ingeborg Olsdatter Hegge, Born Sept. 11, 1814, died April 22, 1880.  They farmed Hegge beginning in 1833.

The Hegge bible lists the names and birth dates of their children.

A-1.   Ole Fredrickson,                          Born December 19, 1834, died  1906

A-2.   Even Fredrickson,                       Born April 25,1837

A-3.   Niels Fredrickson,                       Born October 31, 1839, immigrated in 1866, died August 25, 1912 In the U.S.

A-4.   Karen Fredricksdatter                 Born March 16, 1842  immigrated with Nels in 1866

A-5.   Oline Fredricksdatter,                  Born August 15, 1844

A-6.   Anne Marie Fredricksdatter,        Born Feb. 5, 1847 immigrated in 1876 with Marthinus.

A-7.   Gonner Fredricksdatter,              Born April 14, 1849  Married an Alset, remained in Norway

A-8.   Ingeborg Laurine,                        Born Nov. 12, 1851 immigrated in 1876 with Marthinus.

A-9.   Agnethe Fredricksdatter,            Born Feb. 24, 1854

A-10. Marthinus Fredrickson,            Born Nov. 17, 1856 immigrated in 1876  Died  10/24/24 in U.S.

A-11. Bergine Marie,                             Born March 3, 1861

Ole stayed on the farm, died a bachelor in 1906

Nothing is known of Even

Niels immigrated to America in 1866 at the age of 27.  Most of his descendants are known and tabulated here.

Karen emigrated with Niels in 1866, married a Thompson, had 7 children.

Nothing is known of Oline.

Anne Marie emigrated in 1876. Married Hans Larson and had 2 children, Oliver and Anna, who lived on a farm near Oxford, Pennsylvania.

Gooner Fredricksdatter married Johannes Alset and remained in Norway.  They had 3 children, 2 girls and one son. Daughter Engiha married a Goplin.  She had 3 children, Jons, Gudiun and a daughter.  Jons Hegge Goplin had 2 sons and one daughter.  One son named Marthinus.   This information picked up in Norway by John Hegge in 1951.

Ingeberg Laurine emigrated in 1876, nothing is known of her. One source says she returned to Norway.

Nothing is known of Agnethe

Marthinus F. emigrated June 23 1876 with Anne & Ingeborg and settled in Hatton North Dakota.  

Nothing is known of Bergine. 

In February 2004, Harriet Hegge Colliton found 2 letters from Dr. Edward and wife Andrea to Millie Hegge concerning a letter John Hegge sent home to Millie after visiting the Hegge farm (see above).  Apparently John asked for some Hegge family history and Millie forwarded the letter to Edward.  Ed and Andrea went to Norway in 1914 (See picture of them on the ship.).  In her letter to Millie dated 8/25/52, she states that when they were in Norway they visited three old maid sisters, daughters of Fredrick and Ingebord, “ The three sisters had such a nice home they had in Biri” They must have been Oline, Agnethe and Bergine.  They also visited with Gonner’s family.

Last corrected  2004

Picture on the left is an early picture of the Niels Fredrickson Hegge family.  Third child of F.E Hegge thus identified as A-3 in the Hegge Family tree. Spelling of Niels is taken from listing of the F.E. Hegge children in the Hegge bible. He used Nels.  Nels married Nicoline E. Nilsen Mastuen in 1869,. Her family page is with the N.F. pages.  The first three of their 10 children are:  Fredrik Nels on the right, born in 1870, died 1893.  Edward in the middle, born 1873 (A-3-2) and Even, born in 1875 (A-3-3).  This family began farming in Pigeon Falls WI. in 1870.

Picture on right is Marthinus Fredrickson Hegge, 10th child of F.E. Hegge, (A-10). His wife is Karen Nilsen Mastuen, sister of Nicoline.  Three of their six children are pictured. They are most likely Clara, Fredrick and Eric.  The other three were Anna, Marie (Mia) and Adolph. This family settled in Hatton, North Dakota. 

KRAGEBERG, direct male line, Family of HEGGE

Fredrik Evenson Krageberg, Born 1810, died     ?   He married Ingeborg Olsdatter Hegge, born 1814, died 1880.  Fredrik changed his name to Hegge when he took over the Hegge farm in 1833.  The direct make line of Hegge is thus KRAGEBERG.

1. Erik Krageberg, born 1584, named in documents from 1643 and on, married Siri Krageberg.  They had two daughters, Karen and Brynhild.

2. One of the daughters married Halvor Olsen, who was farming Krageberg in 1678

3. Their daughter, Randi Halvorsdatter Krageberg married Arne Knutsen, who was farming Krageberg in 1705.  They had 7 children.  One of the daughters:

4. Kari Arnesdatterr Krageberg (died 1719) married Finbo Eriksen, who was farming Krageberg in 1736, and is the FIRST KNOWN ANCESTOR OF THE HEGGE FAMILY ON THE DIRECT MALE LINE.

Correspondence with Halvard Oudenstad, 2826 Snertingal, Norway in 1977, indicates that it would be nearly impossible to trace the direct male line back from Finbo Eriksen, for the church in his home area burned, along with all records.

5. Erik Finbosen Krageberg, born 1717, married Ingeborg Pedersdatter, their eldest son:

6. Finbo Eriksen Krageberg, born 1748, married Anne Eriksdatter Lonnum, Born 1785, their son:

7. Even Finboesen Krageberg, born 1748 married Karen Evensdatter Bratberg.

   A notation in the book from Svennes (Mayville documents) states that Karen Evensdatter Krageberg was born on Bratberg in Biri, October 8, 1783 and died on Hegge, Dec. 1, 1867.

  Their son:

8.  Fredrik Evenson was farming Krageberg in 1831 but sold it in1836.  He took over his wife’s farm of Hegge in 1833.  His wife was Ingeborg Olsdatter Hegge.  Their photographs are printed in T. Lauvdal, ed., Biri-Snertingdal Bygdebok, vol. III (Gjobek 1954) p. 132, where Fredrik Hegge is described as a “capable man with many interests, independent in his opinions, and one who held many positions of trust in the community.  He was also an excellent farmer.”  SEE PICTURE ATTACHED.

Several their children emigrate to America 

Planning a trip to Norway?  You may want to visit the Biri area and find the Hegge farms.  For bed and breakfast, check this out.  EVA and OLA Krageberg have one.  I do not know if they are relatives. This  information was given me by William Hegge (A-3-3-6-1) son of Oris Hegge, grandson of Even.

(Note: Link is old and nonfunctional – if you research and find a valid link, let me know – Phil)

You get a color, four page information piece on their KRAGEBERG GARD.

Their mail address is N-2836 Biri, Norway.

A-4   Karen Fredricksdatter Hegge Born 3/16/1842 In Norway.  Died:          In U.S.

        Immigrated with Nels in 1866

        Married _______________Thompson   Born:


       A-4-1   Frank Thompson

       A-4-2   Harry Thompson

       A-4-3   Josie Thompson

                   Married Martin Christianson

      A-4-4   Clara Thompson   

                  Married William Shaw

     A-4-5   Eva Thompson

                 Married  Lewis Bailey

     A-4-6   Hanna Thompson

                 Married Carl Thorson  

     A-4-7   Olena Thompson

                 Married ________Wiley.

A-6   Anne Marie Fredricksdatter Hegge  Born 2/5/1847      Died         In U.S.

          Immigrated with Marthinus in 1876    

         Married Hans Larson

         Lived on a farm outside Oxford Pennsylvania

        A-6-1 Oliver Larson

        A-6-2 Anna Larson

Any one that does research on these families and discovers accurate data is encouraged to contact other descendants who have this family tree. As long as I am able to, I will serve as a clearing house for new information.  Tom Hegge. 

                                A      Fredrik Evenson Krageberg Hegge

                                A-7   Gonner Fredricksdatter B. 4/14/ 1849

In 1991, Patrica Hegge Roach (A-3-9-8) visited Norway with Husband Robert. Mr. Bjorn Herberg 2617 Jorstadmoen, Norway, a genealogist helped them find the Hegge farms, and provided this information on Gonner Fredricksdatter Hegge.   John S. Hegge (A-3-9-7) visited the Hegge Farm when stationed in the U.S. Army in Europe in 1950.  He stated that there was a baptism the weekend he was there. Note that Irene Goplen was born in 1950.

A-7   Gonner Fredricksdatter married Johannes Halvorsen Alset.  They had three children

          A-7-1  Hans Johannsen Alset.  Born 1887, died 1945 un-married.

          A-7-2  Ingeborg

          A-7-3  Mathea,    (John  Hegge’s notes say Engiha)

Both girls have living descendants in the Biri area.   

          A-7-2  Ingeborg Alset married first to Johannes Larsen Hegge, who died of pneumonia 3 weeks                             

                    after the marriage. 

                    She later married Gudbrand Goplen, from Torpa. 

                    They had one son, and one daughter.  (John Hegge’s notes say John, Gudium and a daughter)

                     A-7-2-1  Johannes Hegge Goplen.   Note the HEGGE!  Whether  Johnannes was born before or after she married Gudbrand Goplen is not reported.                                             

He married Synnove Kjendset, who just happened to be the first cousin of Bjorn                        

                                   Herberg,  who provided this information to Patrica Hegge.                                              

                                    Bjorn stated Johannes and Synnove have one daughter but mentioned no sons.         

                                   John Hegge’s notes from 1950 state that Johannes had 2 sons and a daughter.

                                    A-7-2-1-1 Irene, born 1950, who lives at Midtre (Middle) Hegge today (1991)  

                                            Perhaps it was her baptism the day in 1950 that John Hegge visited the farm.

                                            She married Leif Eric Lomsdalen.  They have several children.

          A-7-3  Mathea Alset married  Asmund Goplen and they took over the middle Hegge Farm.

                     Asmund was a brother of Gudbrand, so the sisters married brothers.

                     They had 2 children.

                     A-7-3-1   Johannes living at Alset today (1991)

                     A-7-3-2   Gonner who married Jorgen Borresen who live in Eina, a small city.

                                    They have one son.

                                    A-7-3-2-1  Arne Borresen who is a minister somewhere in Norway.

Excerpt from a letter dated 6 Oct. 52, from John Hegge in Germany to Tom Hegge at Whitehall, Wis. 

“This is, I believe, as good a time as any to write about what I found of the Hegge Family in Norway. 

Fredrick Hegge, our Great Grandfather had eleven children, four went to the States and the rest stayed in Norway. Those that went to the States were: Nels, Karen, Marthinus, Maria. And the only other one who I could find anything about was Gonner who’s family I met. There is not much known of Karen except that she married and had six kids. 

The fourth member of the family to go to the States was Maria.  She married a Larson and settled in Oxford, Penn.  She had two children, Oliver and Anna who live on farm near Oxford. Gooner married an Alseth and had 3 children. Of one son and daughter nothing is known, the daughter Engiha married a Goplen and had three children of which Jons (Johannes) Hegge Goplen is the one I visited in Biri,

Johs and one of his sons still live on part of the old Hegge farm, their houses and other building being only about four hundred yards from the Hegge home.  I am very sorry for one thing and that is that I wasn’t at the Johs Goplen home long enough to get even one picture taken.  I arrived there after the sun had dropped over the hill and we left shortly after sunrise the next morning..  I had hoped to take some before we left that morning but it was cloudy and snowing so I could do no good.  It makes me sick to think that I didn’t get any pictures there. (He had a colored slide film, the above is from one slide.)

From Biri we went by chauffer driven 1952 seven passenger Chrysler Limousine to Austvaton. (?)  I wanted to go to a farm called Eriksrud, which, according to Uncle Ed, was once a Hegge farm.  At Austvaton we went to the home of Marthinus Goplen who is a son of Johns.  Marthinus and his wife have a new baby, which was baptized that day.  That was the reason for the family gathering.  Marthinus spoke very good English for he was in the states for about two years.  He was the one who explained most of the family for he was the first member that I met that could speak English”.

The above picture is most likely Marthinus Goplen, his wife and daughter, and the older woman his Mother-in-law.  Should you visit Norway, try to get confirmation of just who they are and notify Tom Hegge

Biri, Norway Page 1

Wife of Pat’s 2nd Cousin 

Irene Goplen Lomsdalen ,  Pat Hegge,  Mrs. Johannes Hegge Goplin      (Synneove Kjendset Goplen)

Johannes Hegge Goplen is A-7-2-1 Grandson of Gooner F. Hegge (A-7) Sister of N.F. & M.F. Hegge